Velocipede adventures

Here's a little snippet of autumn fashion inspiration for you... I generally refuse to put my summer frocks away until the first frosts have appeared, but yesterday's atrocious weather forcast and the day's activities called for something a little more practical. Most unlike me!

Yesterday was the Mayor of London's Skyride - 55,000 people on bicycles, cycling around some of London's most famous landmarks. The 'snazzy' luminous yellow tabards being worn on this gentle jaunt made it something of an anti-Tweed Run - barely a thread of vintage in sight, apart from a friend of mine, Tony Lee and his lovely wife who were both clad in tweed. But Bethan and I wanted to bring a touch of much needed glamour to the proceedings. Practical glamour, of course, which is usually an oxymoron, but we did our best!

We were hugely privileged to be lent Pashleys* by the very dashing Jack of Tally Ho! Cycle Tours. This splendid company runs guided bicycle tours around London, as well as lending his magnificent steeds to those Londoners and tourists in need of more elegant transportation than the rather unstylish Boris Bikes that are available for hire around this great city of ours.

*I do, as you may know, have a Pashley of my own; but I stayed round VM Towers on Saturday night as I so often do, and thus it was many miles away. And anyway, it's really nice to promote Tally Ho a little bit!

But anyway, about the outfits... as you can see, as well as having Big Ben growing out of my head, Bethan and I both are clad in the rare and endangered species that is a Vivien of Holloway dungaree. These awesome overalls only occasionally come into stock at Viv's boutique, but can occasionally be picked up on eBay. If you're looking for something similar, might I recommend Freddies of Pinewood? Or, you could have some custom-made on Etsy, by Allure Originals, Jack's Daughter (these are the very same pattern as ours) or Time Machine Vintage (who are fab!). I'm also wearing a Vivien of Holloway gypsy top. So, totally repro, pretty darn authentic and still glamorous, just like Pashley bicycles!

Thank you Jack, for lending us these lovely boneshakers, I think the Mayor should have picked us to lead the crowd, rather than Kelly Brook - don't you agree? At least she is on a Pashley as well, though!

Fleur xx

*token trendy Instagram pic*


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