In my life as a vintage girl, writer and bloggy type, I do get invited to lots of fun things. I don't usually have to do anything to earn these invites, simply by being myself, and having a not-inconsiderable number of blog, Twitter and Instagram followers is enough. But the events of the other weekend were earned, and the amazingness of it all will stay with me for a long time!
You may recall me mentioning that I was a volunteer mentor for the RDCYoungers project - a scheme tied in with my running family Run Dem Crew. A small group of young men and women were picked to go through this project, to be trained in running and set creative tasks, with a number of older and peer mentors to offer practical advice and moral support along the way. I didn't do much actual running training with the Youngers (and in fact did barely any running training myself, not the best example to set!), but I did provide plenty of advice... and helped them in other ways. Logistics (driving stuff across London), promotion (tweets of particularly good work they do) and help with blogs and CVs. I'm not going to be modest here, helping these youngers towards achieving the potential that's well within them has made me feel really warm inside. But they put in the hard work themselves, really; and the culmination of all the effort was last weekend, which was the Nike+ British 10k race, and the second instalment of the Bridge The Gap Project... London Calling! It. Was. BIG.
The first Bridge The Gap weekend was in Berlin, when RDC and several other Nike Sportwear international running crews met up to run the Berlin half marathon. I couldn't go, and felt like I had missed something huge (mainly because I had). But being a mentor for RDCY meant I got invited to some of the super secret stuff that was taking place, from the Friday when teams arrived from eleven countries around the world' to the Sunday, when Nike put on a massive party.
We had teams from Athletics Far East (Japan), Begins (Beijing), Moskva River Runners (Moscow), Red Snakes (Milan), Tiber Track (Rome), Paris Running Club (duh), Graviteam (Berlin), She Runs LA, The New York Bridgerunners, Patta Running Team (Amsterdam) and Kanan Crew (Mexico). If you run in any of those places, look them up and join!

The fastest and most furious from each team attached a 'Sparq Chute' to their waists, and ran hell-for-leather down the graffiti tunnels. The She Runs LA ladies took the women's prize, and one of our own took the men's!
It was an amazing night, even though I didn't run. Have a look at the Nike Sportswear Facebook album for more, if you like!
On Saturday, as you know, I was at the Chap Olympiad, so no running for me! Sunday was the big one, though. The one I had most definitely not trained for. The British 10k! Sounds a bit weird to say I hadn't trained for a six mile race when I can do a 13-miler, but shorter distances are faster and harder. I wanted to run it in under 50 minutes. I didn't manage that, coming in in 50:34, which is still pretty good, considering how much it hurt. Had my red lippy on all the way though, despite the sweat and the rain!
That picture was taken at about 7k, I was in massive amounts of physical and mental pain, but with the cheering squad out in force, I mustered up a grin and a pair of gun-fingers. Never underestimate the power of race support, and encourage your family and friends to turn out to cheer YOU on if you're running a race alone. It makes SO much difference! I wish I'd paced a Younger through, I started out running with a fellow crew lady Petra, but she dropped back around halfway. So it was a lonely race with much chafing. But with aforementioned lippy intact! Sweat with Swagger!
However, don't wear shorts you've not trained in, that's my number one race tip at the moment ;)
Charlie Dark and the Youngers give the signal
Being a VIP at a race makes such an amazing difference, though. We had a fancy hotel to chill in before and after - with food, sports massages and music. I don't want to sound too smug when all the other runners had soggy bags and a damp goody bag to take home, so let's just say it was a real honour.
The Youngers outdid themselves, and I couldn't be more proud of each and every one of them.
After the race, I actually took my sportweared self to the Chap Olympiad second day, where I took part in a little skit! I was kicked out of the Cucumber Sandwich Discus for wearing Lycra, and stretchered off to the gin tent to be given Bloody Mary from a blood bag! I can't find a good picture... boo!
Courtesy of the Chairman
The evening saw us go to the Nike Fuelfest at Battersea Power Station. I am now the proud owner of a Fuelband, which is part fancy pedometer, and part a personal challenge to be more active, that sees me bopping around my flat trying to up my activity levels enough to hit my 'target' of 3000 points per day. If you're competitive (with yourself) and want to be more active generally, I encourage you to check it out! You can hit your target in all sorts of fun ways, including at the Chap Olympiad! ;)
ANYWAY, look at the stunning photos of the Fuelfest on the Yinnyang blog, should you wish to see some (I only appear from the back and with my eyes closed, but all the shots are amazing!).
The weekend ended on Monday, when I got to noodle about the NikeiD studio at Boxpark and design my very own pair of Air Safaris, to which I have tried to add a vintage flavour. You'll have to wait and see how they turned out (as will I!), but here are some photos of me doing said noodling.
More smoothing serum would not have gone amiss...
Me, Youngers, Run Demmers and Bridgerunners!
And I hope I get to hang out with more of the inspirational runners from across the globe who were to a person awesome, funny and GORGEOUS.
Until next time, runners...
Fleur xx
PS. Before I go, there's a new, currently very small retro ladies running club that's just started in London. There's a Twitter account @RetroRunnersLDN for you to follow, which will keep you informed of runs. If anyone out there want to join in, then get in touch. And if ANYONE has a shop, pub, cafe or anywhere open in the evening that a small number of ladies could leave a bag for an hour, please get in touch about that! It's the only problem the amazing organiser Natasha is having (and the reason I haven't gone along yet). More on this very soon.
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