I've posted on here several times before about the things I do to cheer myself up if I'm feeling blue - physical things like putting a flower in my hair, wearing red lipstick. You know, superficial things. Don't get me wrong, they absolutely do work. But I recently watched a DVD of The Secretand while some of it was pretty silly (if you worry about the big bills you're about to receive through your letterbox... they'll materialise! No, actually your racking up of said big bills is what will make them materialise, duh!), and it did inspire me quite a lot. Well, enough to write a blog about it, anyway. But there's such a lot to be said for thinking, speaking and acting positive to manifest positive things in your life, and I feel like sharing my newly acquired pearls of happiness wisdom.
In my experience thus far, if you're feeling a bit mopey and someone you know and love (who's aware of said mopeyness) asks you how you're doing, you have two choices. You can open your heart and spill out the sadness therein, and then spend the next few hours going over and over the things that are dragging you down, lamenting that this has happened to you, aren't you awesome like your friends all say you are? When will it all end? Oh woe! Or, you can get it off your chest and then close that chapter for the time being. You draw a temporary line in the sand, step over it and move swiftly on to talking about something more positive, something that will bring smiles and hope. The first option will ensure you'll spend all your time with your beloved friend being all sad, keeping you down, bringing them down, it's just a big down-fest. But the latter leads to sharing, sympathising yes; but then getting the hell out of...er... Down-ge. Trust me, it works. I've been made redundant, been dumped, carelessly lost stuff, broken things, crashed my car, been made to feel a fool, and so on, many times over the years. I'm sure we all have experienced some or all of those things. But my new strategy, when faced with a blow, is to wallow in it for ONLY a set and indeed short amount of time, and then move the heck on. Which is not to say that the self-pitying thoughts won't creep back in quiet moments. But try your absolute hardest not to dwell on them. Acknowledge them, but then let them pass. Focus on your ambitions, your dreams, that party, even the awesome dinner you have planned! Write a set of positive affirmations and repeat them to yourself every night before you go to bed. It really works, promise.
As ever, please note that I am not a qualified counsellor and all my advice is anecdotal and subjective, but if it can make even one of you lovely readers feel a little bit brighter when the world is conspiring to make you a misery guts, then I am happy. Hurrah for happy!
I'll leave you with some photos of me in my namesake Fleur dresses. These make me pretty happy at the moment! And now the word 'happy' has lost all meaning as I've written it too many times. Oh well!
(Above shoes from Rocket Originals)
Till next time!
Fleur xx
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