Running scared

You may have noticed that after my enthusiastic post some months ago about my newfound love of Running, I went very quiet on the subject. This is because around 8 weeks ago, I gave myself a mild case of shin splints, and, following two weeks rest, during my very next run, I tripped over a tree root and tore something in my knee. Four frustrating weeks were spent trying to rest it and it inevitably getting sore after doing every day things; but it gradually got better and I started training again only two weeks ago. I've done two two-mile runs, one six miler and an eight mile jaunt with my brother and running partner, and I am therefore woefully underprepared for Sunday's Run to the Beat Half Marathon, but I am going to give it my damned best shot. See?

*Disclaimer: Since this was taken in July, I may or may not look like this currently.
I couldn't possibly say.

Since I was unsure whether I'd even be able to enter, I haven't even thought about my 'vintage style' running outfit, nor have I begged much for sponsorship. Our charity Beating Bowel Cancer is a super worthy one, and we chose it because it's a disease that runs in our family. And there has to be a reason and motivation for me nearly killing myself! ;) I was quite worried we wouldn't make our target. But I'm glad to say that thanks to my friends, and my brother's friends and work colleagues, we're nearly there! Should anyone feel like throwing a few pounds or dollars (other currencies also appreciated) our way, we'd really appreciate it.We only need a few more people to bung us two quid and we're there. FYI, I will be in red lippy as promised, but likely I'll be in the above, super sexy Nike capris. Ah well.

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

I don't ask you for much, do I... just to read, comment, buy lovely things... come to my events....

So what a coincidence that I have another event to plug! ;) If running doesn't interest you (and I can't blame you), then buying vintage might. The Vintage Mafia's Monthly Sunday Sale and Social takes place this very weekend.. the same day I run the above 13.1 miles. So if you would like to swing by, browse our quality wares, not to mention point and laugh at crippled old me, then please do. If only to buy a delicious burger and milkshake from our smashing venue, the Love Shake. We'll have ladieswear, menswear and accessories.

Join me before I hobble home! And please wish me luck!

Fleur xx


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