A belated Merry Fat-mas to you all

Dear everyone,

Sorry for the lack of posting in the run-up to Christmas. This has been the strangest Chrimbo of my life, not for any one particular reason, I've just never felt so unfestive and unorganised! I bought all my presents late, wrapped them at the last possible second, did none of my traditional festive baking, didn't even get motivated enough to set off for home before dark, and my dad called me up to say not to even attempt it at night, due to treacherous ice. So I spent Christmas Eve on my own, drinking wine and watching telly. Very strange!

The day itself was as lovely as ever, and I got some splendid presents from my family and my best friend. Here's the one and only photograph of the day: me and my brother in front of (and indeed obscuring) the Christmas tree!

I'm wearing an old favourite dress from last year, by Able Grable, with a ribbon belt (which I took off in preparation for eating. Turns out I needn't have bothered, since for the first time in living history, I failed to finish my Christmas turkey dinner! Nor did a single piece of chocolate or cake (or any further bit of food that day) pass my lips. If anyone has seen my appetite, I'd like it back please! But I enjoyed it nonetheless, and fell asleep in front of Dr Who (which I rewatched last night - ace!), but woke up in time for Poirot, hurrah! A relaxing Christmas all round. Here's a snap of the presents my brother gave me - let it never be said that I am a girly girl!

Can't wait to watch the Expendables!

I'm so ready for 2010, my annus horribilis (as far as my personal life goes), to be over. I will try to post again before the New Year, but if I don't, I hope that each and every one of you has a fabulous time. Catch you on the flip side!

Fleur xx


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