Talking of Mr Nylons, Tony's website, The Casting Couch has recently been revamped and relaunched, and if you go and visit, you may recognise the face in the header!

Rather cool, I hope you'll agree! If anyone is thinking of having a pin-up photoshoot, there's no one that comes more highly recommended than Tony, he's just the best there is. He'll be back at Rhythm Riot again next year, so all you aspiring pin-up rockabellas better get your bookings in quickly!
I have bought some lovely things recently. Most notably, these two bags:

The first one is a 40s telephone cord one, and I think it's stuck in Customs as it was posted first but hasn't appeared yet! The second is a 40s Cordé with twisted lucite handles and is absolutely pristine and gorgeous. I have it with me today! Then there is this suit from Violetville Vintage, which I cannot WAIT to get:

which caused me to blow my entire month's clothing budget in one fell swoop, but I do think it'll be worth it. To heck with the credit crunch! Who needs food anyway?
Do share your latest vintage buys, and have a great weekend, all.
Fleur xx
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