The following one though, was a very different story! I went to Rhythm Riot, my first ever weekender! I jived, lindied, jitterbugged, bopped and strolled my way through three days and nights of fabulous vintage shopping and fashion, and had an absolute blast! Was I ever exhausted by the end! I also did a bit of modelling with ace photographer Tony Rusecki, partly for Shona who makes fabulous repro fashions and partly for Rocket Originals who make lovely shoes and jumpers. They have me two jumpers to say thank you! Here's a preview, both of the shoot and of the jumpers. Watch this space for more!
Here are some more of my purchases from the weekend:
There are a couple of photos from the weekend - I look horribly shiny and sweaty in them!
Finally, and the meaning behind my blog title: I did my very last shoot of 2008 yesterday. What a year. I began 2008 as a novice model, with a mere two shoots under my belt, and ended it as a much more experienced and confident one, with 18(ish, I have lost count and too tired to work it out!) behind me. Just for fun, here's my favourite shot from my first shoot of 2008:
And here's the latest:
And that's a wrap, folks!
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