Sorry to one of those annoying people, but if any of you gorgeous things that read my blog happen to have a moment, would you mind awfully going here and voting for me to win in the Pinup Queen category? You don't have to enter your email or sign up for anything, and luckily it's not one of those 'vote once a day' type affairs, which drive me barmy.
You do have to vote in the other 3 categories too though, I think. There are some truly great models in my category, so I need all the help I can get! Thank you all!
In other news, I have been having a go at making my own photos look vintage. What do you think?
In other other news, my cats are annoying! Not only do they have fleas (and I've run out of Frontline), but they will NOT keep their collars on. I bought them both a new one yesterday, a new stretchy but buckled type (the snap away ones just, well, snap away!) and new ID tags, and when I woke up, one had lost his, and by the time I'd finished my breakfast, so had the other! Furry little blighters!
I have some more shoot pictures and some recent purchases to post, so please check back soon!
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