It's been a busy few weeks for me, just for a change. I have finally, after wanting to for so many years, started swing dancing. It's enormous fun. I thought I had no rhythm at all, but I seem to be holding my own in class. It's also incredibly good exercise. So good, in fact, that I am worried about...ahem...ruining my vintage dresses. Sorry if this is TMI, but does swing dancing ever make one sweaty! I now have a pressing need to buy a pair of proper dancing shoes and a few repro dresses. It's unfortunate that repros cost more than actual vintage in most cases!
The shoes I have my eye on are these:
by Aris Allen.
And one of the dresses I am thinking of investing in is this:
It has the perfect combo of cotton and very short sleeves, which make it perfect. From Big Beautiful Barbara Brown. Of course one dress is not really enough. I need to go find some vintage-y strappy tops and light skirts. I was so hot last week (and with the weather like this, I'm thinking this week too) that I am seriously considering wearing a playsuit! Well not really, but it'd be so much cooler. Which brings me to some shoot pics. These are the digital versions of the shoot that I did at the beach a few weeks back. I am really quite pleased with them. My purple playsuit also was worn out in public for the first time ever yesterday - I was feeling especially brave and it was SO HOT! (Playsuit is also from BBBB, and my swimsuit is by Ashley Dean.)
I'll be updating my site soon so please do go check out the rest of the set when I do. They are on my Myspace already. :)
Though playsuits are hardly the most practical of garments for us Brits, I do love them. I am particularly coveting this one, again from BBBB (I swear I am not being endorsed by them, chance would be a fine thing!)
Isn't it just the most adorable thing??
Anyway, the Friday before last, I went to a wedding. Despite living a fair way away from me, the bride and groom considerately (*wink*) had their wedding only 3 miles from my home, making it very easy for me to get there and back. Some photos:
Me and my old friend Ruth. I think we're singing to Metallica.
Me and the groom, Stewart.
A load of old college chums.
Mm, good posing!
My fabulous dress is from Whirling Turban though despite its gorgeousness, it was hell to spend an entire day sitting and dancing in due to the boning. Bah.
I will end this post here to avoid boring any potential readers too much. I will however continue later as I have so many more pictures to share, including more from the Studland manor hotel shoot I mentioned in my second to last post and the results from the Club Shepway Bathing Beauties parade last weekend. Toodlepip for now!
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